16:20 131 km Jodłownik 1 runda do finiszu 16:30 138 km Tymbark 16:35 141 km Piekiełko 17:00 156 km JODŁOWNIK ? meta II etapu (finish of the 2-nd stage dojazd do hotelu w Krakowie ok. 50 km (transfer to hotel to Cracow ca 50 km)) ...
Tymbark? Ring Pull Messages. Posted on December 21st, 2008 by in Polish Food. Tymbark juices are now available in England, they've even launched an advertising campain aimed at Poles living in London. They've even changed the messages ...
... a day off work and show me around. he would also let me stay at his place. most of the guys from the team were staying with their friends and hotels in manhattan tend to be extremely expensive, so i couldn't really say 'no' to that. ...